Poetry Readings
Friday 24.05.24 15:30
Plenary speaker at 11th International Symposium of the Hippocrates Initiative for Poetry and Medicine.
Centro de Servicios Universitarios de Avilés, University of Oviedo.
Half Other: Poetry Reading and Conversation with Emma Storr.
Monday 12.02.24 19:30 (£3 donation suggested)
Cafe Writers at The Maddermarket Theatre, Norwich.
I will be reading from my collection Half Other.
Elizabeth Sennitt Clough will also be reading from her collection
My Name is Abilene.
Open mic slots will also be available.
Friday 09/02/24 19.30 £6
Bright Scarf Poetry at The Belfry Centre, Overstrand.
I will be reading from my recent poetry collection Half Other
(Hippocrates Press, 2023)
Monday 06/11/23 7 – 9 p.m. £5
Saltmarsh Poets
Half Other U.K. Book launch
Wednesday 04/10/23 21:00 (U.K. time) Free
Half Other International Book launch
Part of the “Poems to Live For” series of readings
Hippocrates Initiative, Zoom
Thursday 10/11/22 7 – 8 p.m. Free
After Sylvia, Nine Arches Press, Book launch
07/05/22 @ 15.30 Open Mic Session £5 per person
Chaired by Sally Festing and Peter Wallis
Part of Sea Fever Festival at The Maltings (Kiln Room),
Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1AN
31/03/22 @ 19.20 for 19.30 FREE on Zoom
A reading with Jenny Pagdin.
Poetry about health, wellbeing and gardening.
Please email irena@in-words.co.uk for the Zoom link.
Review@ https://in-words.co.uk/
06/12/21 19.00 – 21.00
Saltmarsh Poetry
I will be reading new poems about people and gardening
from my Poet in Residence project at local allotments.
Also readings from the floor on an allotment/gardening theme.
17/08/21 @ 20:00 Zoom
Poetry at Jurnets
I will be reading new poems about people and gardening
from my Poet in Residence project at local allotments.
Open Mic slots are available at https://www.norwichpoetry.org/
14/07/21 @19:30 Blakeney Harbour Rooms and Home Stage Livestream
Head Lines reading with Sally Festing
Free but ticketed live event or accessed online via Home Stage website.
(Donations to the Mental Health Foundation are welcomed and encouraged)
18/11/20 @ 19:30 Zoom
I will be reading at the launch of
Judy, Out of the Box
by Lynn Woollacott
Free Entry
Contact me by the CONTACT page for Zoom details
26/02/20 @19:30 The Funky Mackerel, Sheringham
Leap Before You Look
Peter Wallis and Tess Adams
Free Entry. Donations welcome.
08/11/19 Poetry in Aldeburgh (HEAD LINES)
The Mental Health Foundation at 70
FRIDAY 2:00 – 3:00pm FREE
08/10/19 @ 19:30 Greenwich (HEAD LINES) FREE
West Greenwich Library
146 Greenwich High Road
SE10 8NN
21/05/19 Poetry at Jurnets, Norwich (HEAD LINES)
10/05/19 Sea Fever, Wells Literary Festival
03/09/18 Saltmarsh Poets (Head Lines)
28/06/18 Discover York, York Library (Head Lines)
03/11/17 Poetry in Aldeburgh (4×4)
10/10/17 Mary Evans Picture Library Reading, Greenwich Library
15/07/17 South Downs Literary Festival, Petersfield
11/07/17 Greenwich Library (4×4)
14/11/16 Cafe Writers, Norwich
12/10/16 Word Play, Square Chapel, Halifax
03/10/16 Saltmarsh Poets, Norfolk
8/07/16 Waterstones, Piccadilly (Articles of Twinship launch)
15/03/16 Poetry at Jurnets, Wensum Lodge, Norwich
Writers’ Forum, Sheringham, Norfolk
26/08/15 Stanza Bonanza, Poetry Cafe, Betterton Street, London
24/09/14 Stanza Bonanza, Poetry Cafe, Betterton Street, London